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Free Delta Air Lines Flight Attendant Interview Study Guide Questions and Answers

  1. Tell us about a time you turned a negative customer experience into a positive one?
    While working in New Home sales, I once had a client who went online and showed interest in a home that she thought was available. Unfortunately, the house she was interested in was unavailable, and the company website glitched. This client was furious and called shouting, expressing her dislikes, with me sharing how disappointed she was with the entire process. I was tasked with finding out the potential client's exact needs and finding a way to help her. After emphasizing with her by showing care and understanding, I identified her needs and offered her a better plan that came back available an hour before her call. I learned that this plan coming back on the market was the plan she initially wanted, and she was settling for the other plan because she thought she would not have the opportunity to get the plan of her dreams. During our call, I asked if she had time to stay on the call with me so we could walk through the process together, ensuring she didn't miss the opportunity to secure the home, and she agreed to continue. I placed the home back into the system as active while simultaneously instructing her on the steps to complete the site while I was working on the back end. When I knew that she had completed her steps, I made the home active, and she successfully initiated the process to place the home under contract. The end result was me successfully satisfying an agitated and irritated client into one that I assisted in making a new satisfied homeowner. Besides being extremely satisfied with my service, she repeatedly referred anyone she knew was in the market to purchase a home to me as well.
    I was working as a server in a busy upscale restaurant on a particularly hectic night. We were fully booked with reservations, and the kitchen was beginning to get backed up. I had a table come in who did not have a reservation, but said it was their anniversary, and they very much wanted to enjoy a meal at our restaurant before heading out to see a play at our local playhouse that was starting soon. I was able to find them a place at the bar so they could enjoy a meal on their special night. They had their heart set on one of our signature dishes and I politely informed them that the kitchen was very backed up right now, and I couldn’t guarantee that their entrées would be ready in time to get them to their play. I made several suggestions from our menu that they would enjoy just as much and would be out much quicker and allow them to get to their destination in time. While they were disappointed that they couldn’t enjoy the meal they had their heart set on and had heard such good things about, once they received, and tried my suggestions they were absolutely thrilled. I suggested that they come back on a less busy evening and enjoy the meals that they had originally wanted to order. Later that week they did just that and they thanked me for my suggestions on their previous visit, and even re-ordered one of the appetizers I had suggested that evening along with the meals that they had originally intended to order on their anniversary. They became one of my most loyal regular customers.
  2. Tell about a time that you had to change your approach to meet the needs of a customer.
    There was a time while assisting a first-time home purchaser when I had to alter my regular practices to accommodate this client's needs. This particular client didn't know how to do anything computer-related, so I had to schedule multiple in-person appointments, which took more time to coordinate due to scheduling conflicts. I strategically scheduled all of our initial meetings to ensure they were highly effective. Every time we met, I made her aware of the tasks we would accomplish while keeping her well-informed. She could submit all the required lender documents efficiently and effectively, which led to her getting loan approval to purchase a home. My client shared with me that she made attempts prior to meeting me at least twice, but it didn't go through because of her inability to use the computer. She thanked me for taking my time with her and helping her to become a homeowner.
    I had a patient that I scheduled an appointment to complete their paperwork, when I arrived at their home I saw that the patient was lethargic. I immediately took her vitals and assisted with her current condition. The paper work was rescheduled and I focused on her current condition.
  3. If a customer had their chair reclined fully before preflight and was irate and didn't want to comply how would you handle the situation and why?
    If would approach them and let them know that I understand that they would like to be comfortable and to recline. I would let them know that FAA regulations require that for his safety we would need him to sit upright with the seat in the upright position. I would let him know that I would be there to let him know when it was okay to recline as soon as the red lights are turned off.
    I would approach the client letting them know that I understand their desire to get comfortable however at this time the seats are to be in the upright position due to safety reasons. I would briefly explain to them that it was my job to ensure their safety as well as all the passengers aboard the aircraft while assuring them that when the Pilot gave the okay to recline seats I would make sure that everyone knew by way of announcement.
    I would approach the customer politely and outline and explain the company’s safety and policies of why it’s important for the safety of the passenger and others before takeoff
    although our seats are super comfortable and relaxing we must follow all co and faa regulations for your safety as well as others. please place your seat in the upright position until the captain indicates it is safe to recline.
    I would let them know it is standard policy that the seat is in place before take off and explain it is a safety issue for them other passengers. Once the aircraft is in flight and the Pilot feels it is safe, then they are welcome to recline their seat at that time.
  4. Tell me about your work background.
    I was a business owner in the convenience store industry for over 20 years. I have many years of customer service experience, problem solving, working as a team with employees, and safety concerns.
    I work as a clinical assistant for a hand surgeon in a large Orthopedic practice. I have many years of customer service experience and patient care.
    Worked in Human Resources as benefits coordinator for a large hospital. Have many years of customer service experience. Currently working as a customer service representative for an insurance company
  5. Tell me about a time when you did something nice for a customer or passenger.
    A customer spilled his drink I ushered him to stand where he purchased it and asked the vendor to please give him another drink
    Gave a customer an item that was on my desk that she liked and collected.
    When they ask for a help and I give them a positive concern and I action it with pleasure.
    There was an elderly lady that came in the office and she kept talking about how much she liked a trinket on my desk and I gave it to her and she almost started crying
    There was a time when I had a customer who used to come in the store everyday and get coffee he would always get a certain amount and I noticed that he would struggle with taking all the cups of coffee to his car every morning so when he came in instead of him going back and forth I would always have him a cup holder on stand by so that it made it easier on him I also would give him a discount because he came in every morning consistently to get coffee
    I had a passenger that had an accident the the bathroom on himself and was very embarrassed. I didnt want him to feel any worst than he already did. He had no change of clothes inflight with him. So I helped him clean up in the bathroom and gave him my own clothing to put on.
  6. Tell me about a time when you saw your coworker not doing their task, and what you did about it?
    I told her that as a team we work together and that builds character and she would feel more confident within herself once she gets on board and helps out
    I had a co worker once totally ignored her job as she was working the Front of the aircraft. after she served her passengers. she never went to check on them or even clear their tray table, so I stepped in and clear their trash and offer them refills.
  7. Tell me about a time that you had a disagreement with a coworker?
    I saw that my co-worker did not have complete documents in the financial paperwork she was processing for a client. I brought the file back to her and pointed it out in the most informative and non-condescending way that I could. She became defensive and argued that what I was suggesting was incorrect and her work was done fine. I instantly agreed that if she feels confident, then it is her prerogative to send it off as is. I did not continue to insist I was correct. The business office kicked back the deal, and returned the file back to my co-worker.
    Picking the correct vein for my patient. She thought she could use the hand vein but I seen a good vein in her AC
  8. Tell us about a time that your priorities were changed and you had to change direction immediately.
    I had been in sales for over 25 years and I wanted to do something I was more compassionate about but had the skills for, so I wrote up a list of skills I was good at and what I loved to do and I decided I wanted to be a tour director, so I instantly did my research found a training school and enrolled within a couple weeks and was off to San Francisco to do my new training and start a new career
  9. Tell us about a time that you had to step in and make a critical decision to solve a customer's needs.
    Recently I was faced with a situation of having to meet a client that ran out of gas while on the way to meet me to view homes. I identified my client's exact location and asked if she was safe. After making sure she was safe, I asked her to share her location with me, and I would come to assist her. Before going to her location, I stopped at the gas station and purchased a gas can and gasoline. While at the gas station, I noticed a Police Officer, approached him, and explained the situation. The officer agreed to accompany me after I expressed the safety concerns being that my client was stranded on a major highway. We arrived to assist her and were able to safely put gas in the car and proceed without anyone getting hurt or being involved in an accident. Besides being embarrassed, my client thanked me for coming to her rescue and brought along an officer to ensure we both were safe. As a result, we were able to proceed with our schedule of finding a home, and she shared with me that a family member years ago experienced a tragic outcome being stranded on a highway, and seeing me arrive with law enforcement gave her a sense of relief that everything was going to be alright.
    My boss requested the client attain medical records from a hospital he visited. 3 weeks had passed and the client had not attained them. I contacted the client, had him sign off on an authorization form, contacted the hospital directly, and attained the medical records.
    Customer is always right.
  10. Delta has strict guidelines on ethics, honesty, and integrity what are your personal values in regard to these things?
    My personal values are in direct alignment with Delta's core values. Honesty is a reflection of character and is very important at all times. Integrity is when you give your word, and you should uphold it and stick to it. Respect is always thoughtful and considerate of others. Perseverance to is not giving up no matter the obstacles you might face. Servant Leadership is always showing care and concern for others.
    I support Delta's Core Values 100%
    I agree with them 100 percent
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