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Pilot Study Guide Questions


Flight Attendant Study Guide Questions

Pilot Interview Study Guide Questions from Actual Interviews

  1.   How do you think you could improve as a pilot, what steps are you taking to improve?
  2.   Tell me what the feedback was from your last line check or evaluation?
  3.   Tell me about time you had to challenge the Captain decision?
  4.   Tell me about a time you had to make a quick decision without all of the information?
  5.   Do you know what the next steps are after this interview?
  6.   Have you already read the FAQ on our website?
  7.   Have you applied to any other airlines?
  8.   Tell me about at time you implemented an idea and what effect did it have?
  9.   Are you instrument proficient?
  10.   Have you had any training failures? What have you learned from them?

These are only 10 study guide questions of the 13,608 we have for pilots!