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Pilot Study Guide Questions


Flight Attendant Study Guide Questions

Pilot Interview Study Guide Questions from Actual Interviews

  1.   Why do you want to work Cargo?
  2.   What would you do if the cargo loaders were running late and needed help?
  3.   Tell me about a time that you intentionally broke a rule.
  4.   What does the MEA look like on a JEPP?
  5.   Tell me about at time you de-escalated a conflict?
  6.   What were your favorite and least favorite parts of being a flight instructor?
  7.   Who has had the most influence in your aviation career?
  8.   What is the speed limit in Class D?
  9.   What does it mean when ATC clears you to takeoff with " no delay"?
  10.   Are you comfortable taking off at exactly minimum takeoff fuel?

These are only 10 study guide questions of the 13,584 we have for pilots!