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Pilot Study Guide Questions


Flight Attendant Study Guide Questions

Pilot Interview Study Guide Questions from Actual Interviews

  1.   What would you want to learn from a Captain?
  2.   Tell me about your least favorite student.
  3.   Tell me about your favorite student.
  4.   While on a descent through 10,000ft in Alaska you receive " Terrain, Terrain- Pull up" , what do you do?
  5.   Tell me about a time you had a difficult student?
  6.   Can you walk me through your typical preflight procedure?
  7.   Tell me about a time you had to manage conflicting personalities?
  8.   Can you overspeed an aircraft while going lower than mach 1?
  9.   What are some issues we can have starting a jet engine?
  10.   What type of engines do we use?

These are only 10 study guide questions of the 13,378 we have for pilots!