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Republic Airways Flight Attendant Interviews

Read Page 1 ... interviewed at a time. Those who are local go last, while those who drove in (from other areas) or flew in go first.

The interview was very relaxed and comfortable. I was impressed how Republic Airlines wanted us to feel at ease and be able to put our best foot forward. Interview questions are pretty standard, so make sure you have examples of how you've dealt with challenging situations in your other jobs---specifically customer related ones. And, of course, be prepared to answer why you want to be a Flight Attendant and why Republic. During the interview, they also ask which certificate (read: which of their 3 airlines) you want---Chautauqua, Shuttle America, or Republic.

Although it wasn't required to interview---they do want their FA's to have a passport. I believe by the time you enter training, they want to either see the passport, or see paperwork showing that it's being processed. Also important---they won't let you continue unless you have all your Employer information ready to fill out on their forms---including any gaps. So make sure you bring all that info with you, as I saw a girl who was not prepared and had to call ... Continue Reading this Interview Experience