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These study guide questions were submitted by real pilots who actually interviewed with Singapore Airlines

  1. Tell me how you deal with stress at work?
  2. Do you plan to stay with Singapore Airlines for a long time?
  3. Are you okay with a 10 year wait on upgrade?
  4. Are you willing to accept the 737 to fly?
  5. Why did you leave your last employer?
  6. What would you do if you couldn't reach ATC enroute?
  7. What would you do if the warning system detected a cabin fire?
  8. What are your memory items for airspeed unreliable?
  9. What are your windshear warning memory actions?
  10. Alexandra B

    It helps you be well prepared for your interviews, an overall great experience!

    Sep 30, 2024  

    Madison S

    It gives you inside knowledge of what specific questions interviewers are asking and allows you to hone your knowledge.

    Sep 30, 2024