United Airlines Aviate

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  • Really straightforward. Came in with my PPL and IR. Asked more PPL versus IR. Know the basics, IR reporting points, when do you need an alternate, fuel requirements, etcetera. For those with more experience, I would...

Pilot interviewing trend at United Airlines Aviate

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  1. 1. 

    Jul 10, 2024
    The whole process was super simple and seamless. I flew to Denver, Colorado to interview at the United Flight Training Center. When I checked in, I stored my luggage, and went to the cafeteria to wait with the other interviewees. After a while, a Captain came out and introduced herself, then gave us a short tour of the facility. After this, she directed us to a presentation room and opened the floor to questions from us. Overall she did a very good job of easing our nerves, and it seemed...

  2. 2. 

    Jun 27, 2024
    Everything is done quickly, and it starts with a very short tour, followed by a mini presentation on tips and tricks that could help. From there, it goes straight to the interview. They’ll take you in for an HR interview (2 people interview you), then give you a 5-minute break before the technical portion, each of which is about 30-45 minutes. The technical portion was very easy; just come in with the prepared plan and show all your work for calculations, and back up everything for...

  3. 3. 

    Jun 27, 2024
    First let me start by saying while I interviewed for AVIATE, since I'm coming from one of their regional partners already with an ATP, my interview more closely resembles the United FO interview. Starts with a tour of the center and a quick briefing with whoever else is there to interview at the same time slot as you. Then one by one, a Captain or FO comes and brings you into a room along with an HR recruiter. They then get into the TMAAT questions. If I remember correctly, there were five...

  4. 4. 

    Jun 14, 2024
    Entire technical interview was a few general IFR questions about the flight plan i made for the interview., (View the study guide of this...

  5. 5. 

    Jun 13, 2024
    Right when you walk into the building they do a great job at calming down your interview anxiety. You all wait in the cafeteria and meet the other people that are interviewing. This will be a mix of people who are interviewing for a FO position and also for the AVIATE interview. A pilot will meet you in the cafeteria and take you on a tour of the facility which approximately lasts 45 or so minutes (this is why they tell you to arrive an hour before your scheduled interview time). Once done...

  6. 6. 

    Jun 13, 2024
    A rather short day, everything is done quickly and a very short tour (unfortunately don’t get to see training facility) then it’s interview time. They’ll take you in for a HR interview (2 people interview you) and then they’ll give you a 10min break before the technical portion, each is about 30-45min. The panel I had was very nice and made for a calm relaxed environment, other candidates had an opposite experience so ymmv, some of the pilots giving interviews...

  7. 7. 

    May 22, 2024
    HR: Asked to talk about Checkride failure Tmaat questions, (view the study guide of this website).  Technical: ORD-DEN VFR both locations Brief using 13 items GEN 1 off bus at cruise and work through that Holding into Denver, what speed Holding fuel calculations Descent planning math both distance and FPM No divert scenario in Denver which was...

  8. 8. 

    May 16, 2024
    There were several of the "tell me about a time when" questions that were fairly easy to answer, but come prepared with several stories you can pull from so you don't sit for an awkward amount of time thinking of stories. I was only asked about 4 of these questions, then had about a 10 minute break before being pulled back in for the technical readiness review. I came with a VFR flight plan for about 450 miles. They asked me to walk through why I chose my route, weather I would...

  9. 9. 

    May 08, 2024
    As you've been reading, all the other guides on here are correct. Show up 1 hour before, so you have time to fill some extra paperwork in the cafeteria. They have coffee there, and you can choose to bring your own water bottle like I did. Every staff member at TK has their own large bottle, since Denver is super dry and high elevation. You take the mini-tour, can buy stuff at the gift shop if you choose as well, then sit in a classroom until the pilots will come in 1 by 1 to get their...

  10. 10. 

    Apr 30, 2024
    Got to the building where a lady guided me to the cafeteria and sat in there while I waited for my interview, everyone was extremely nice and multiple employees greeted me. Others who were being interviewed showed up and we all talked for a while until a Captain came and collected some forms we filled out. After that he took us on a short tour and eased our nerves with some jokes. Shortly after he briefed us about how the interviews would go and we were all quickly pulled out of the room one...

  11. Very helpful and responded within 30 minutes. Thank you!!

    Surya Priya M Jan 06, 2024

    Hired at United Airlines Aviate
    Gouges of the interviews were spot on and they were helpful. Most of them were very detailed and provide questions that I got in the interview.

    Estrelita C

    Hired at United Airlines Aviate