Emirates Flight Attendant Interviews

My interview with Emirates was very out of the norm of most of their closed interviews. I attended the St. Louis closed day 4/16/16 and only 10 people showed up. Two of those people were late and the recruiter didn't care. She left the door open for anyone. At that point she made it an open day on the spot hoping to get more people.
From there, it went as a typical Emirates open day would go. She explained Emirates in about an hour time period. From there we had a break where we turned in our CV's photos, and invitation reference numbers. We did a group exercise where we had an occupation and we had to name 3 characteristics in groups of 2 of what made that job successful and unique. Then we were given an object that we had to relate to that job. I received a radio entertainer which I described as charismatic and also as an efficient communicator. My partner was from Brazil and her English wasn't the best so it was a bit challenging trying to even out the amount of words we both said. When we got our object it was an umbrella which was extremely difficult to relate to a radio entertainer. ... Continue Reading this Interview Experience