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jetBlue Flight Attendant Interviews

Read Page 1 ... for Jetblue and a few other questions. This was while we faced the table behind us. Then, they stood back and watched how we interacted with one another while we worked on the project. The project was to choose 6 questions from a list and all come up with an answer we agreed upon. Not easy some of the time! :) Then, each of us had to choose 1 question to present the answer in front of the whole room.  We returned from breaks to be fingerprinted, reach test (in stocking feet to reach to a certain level), announcements read to one person and had "debriefing". The debrief was like a F2F, but they said it was more informal.

There were only 4 questions I was asked total at the F2F,    I aced all of the questions asked, but when the interviewer asked me if I had any questions, I asked about them being the 1st American carrier to go ... Continue Reading this Interview Experience