Surf Air

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We've Aviation Professionals Prepare for their Interviews!

These study guide questions were submitted by real pilots who actually interviewed with Surf Air

  1. Describe a time where you made a mistake or were scared and how you reacted and what you learned from experience.
    Too heavy landing on the forward part of an aircraft carrier and running out of power. Concentrated on the landing and attempted to make it as close to perfect as possible. Try not to be given the forward spots.
  2. Describe a time you had a disagreement with Captain and what you did, how it was resolved?
  3. What is your previous aviation experience ?
  4. What is your current flying job?
  5. Describe a conflict with a previous passenger and how you helped the situation.
  6. What do you know about Surf Air?
  7. Why do you believe you're a good fit?
    8 years experience Im always working to better myself and be the best I can be I enjoy working with others and getting to know others I have a proven track record of being a reliable employee
  8. Tell me about a time you went above and beyond for a customer?
  9. Either professionally or personal, what is your biggest achievement?
  10. Why Surf Air?
  11. I enjoyed the interview feature the most. Knowing what to expect when and during the interview process was key to easing my nerves.

    Joe B Jan 28, 2025

    Amazing experience, you have access to all the amazing information they have.

    Eloiza D Jan 28, 2025