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Pilot interviewing trend at Air Canada

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  1. 1. 

    The interview process takes a few hours: Start with 350 True/False questions on a computer. Then an interview with 2 captains who were very welcoming and laid back. Few icebreaker questions and then a few TMAAT questions. A few rapid-fire yes/no questions and then a couple of closing questions. The interview took about 45 minutes and then the medical takes about an hour at a different location and is a little more thorough than your yearly TC...

  2. 2. 

    Interview was pretty straightforward very very relaxed with two experienced pilots. No technical they just wanna know you and makes you feel comfortable. Just have some of your best flying experiences ready to talk about. Before the interview I had to do a 335 yes/no questions and it last about 45min. Just be honest and that is...

  3. 3. 

    Did interview in Toronto. Scheduled for 1300. Arrived 20 mins early (they suggested to arrive 15 mins early) signed in at the security of the entry door, then they give out the visitor badge. The person who I have been corresponding via email with interview schedule came out (very kind and friendly person) and explained about psychological test and took all of my required documents (i recently the list of documents to bring with me and prepare copy - atpl, medical, radio license, passport,...

  4. 4. 

    The person who scheduled the interview was very helpful and flexible as I was flying in from another country/ continent. I met two other candidates that day who were in a similar position (one flew in from Hong King and the other from Abu Dhabi). Prepare yourself mentally for a long day. My interview was from 9am and I was told that my day would end around 4pm. At 8:30 am I checked in to the Air Canada Flight Operations headquarters, 2050 Logistics Drive, Mississauga. Another...

  5. 5. 

    Did the medical in the morning, you have to pay for parking there is no specific visitor parking. Eye exam, hearing test, ear pressure test, EKG, blood work, urine drug test, bloom pressure, general exam, and family history. Bring your aviation booklet. Waiting a couple hours and did the panel interview, 2 retired pilots. Took about 45 minutes then the psych compute questions. That look another 45 minutes around 350 true false questions. Panel questions were situation based, (view the study...

  6. 6. 

    I went for the Air Canada interview, where they asked me about my current job, my educational and flying experience and later on focused on technical questions specifically related to jet engines. After this, they asked me about Air Canada's fleet and about its operations. The interview lasted for about 30...

  7. 7. 

    The first step of this is to show up to your interview with the intention of having an amazing first impression. Dress in business formal attire (solid colour suite prefferably black) on point shoes and a clean cut appearance. Once the interview began I was asked a series of questions on a personal level in order to get to know me better as a person. The interview was held by 2 active Pilots followed by a representative from HR. Some technical questions where asked and formulated to obtain...

  8. 8. 

    HR Panel- 5 people Tmaat you went above and beyond crew member rejected your advice why us tell me about your self why not american Basically as expected. 7 military and 3 121 pilots. They are trying for 12 candidates 3 days per week. Three guys went to interview first, four guys went to the computers first. Middle group had to wait a couple hours to get started. My HR panel was pretty laid back. 5 minute intro, review school and training, why US, and a couple TMAAT questions to bring in my...

  9. 9. 

    Went to the Air Canada interview recently. There are several different things that are done. They could be in different orders as there are several candidates that are doing the near day long process. The first part was an over 500 question psychological test on a computer that asks all kinds of questions unrelated to flying. They are more personality type questions that seem to come up more than once sometimes to see if you answer the same way both...

  10. 10. 

    I first learned that I had been granted an interview with Air Canada when I received an email from Cathy Vining of Air Canada Pilot Recruitment. The email itself contained quite a bit of bold/underlined/coloured font. It closely resembled spam, so if you're anticipating this email anytime soon, keep an eye out! Contained within the email was a list of available interview dates/times. I had been told to pick one on a Monday or Tuesday, mid-morning, as this is when the interviewers tend to be...

  11. Good information about what to expect during the interview!

    Gerald E Sep 12, 2023

    Hired at Air Canada
    Helped me a lot preparing for the interview.

    Alioune C

    Hired at Air Canada