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FREE Pilot interview information and gouge

We've Aviation Professionals Prepare for their Interviews!
  • They brought in eight candidates in their new group interview format. We went into a classroom and was given a presentation on who CAE is and what this CFI position was responsible for. After that we had some question and answer session...

Pilot interviewing trend at CAE

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  1. 1. 

    My interview was virtual with two gentlemen, each training managers. It was far more a get to another type of interview. Why did I want the position? What are my long term objectives? I was not asked a single technical question. These men were kind and very personable. My interview was scheduled for one hour; it lasted 25-minutes. I was called two days later with the...

  2. 2. 

    Had a phone interview with HR initially which briefly went over the job and my experience and my goals. The next interview was vitural with the training manager and his boss who came in 20 minutes in. They asked about my flight experience and what are some tools we have to mitigate risk eg: checklists. Also asked about CRM. They explained in more detail the job, pay rate and...

  3. 3. 

    Thought I would have passed, but I didn't... You really have to prepare as much as you can.  I would suggest practicing with a family member or a friend. Learn as much as you can on the aviation related subjects but don't forget to practice some competency based...

  4. 4. 

    The lady was very nice, she helped make me very comfortable, and explained the interview is split into 2 parts (competency and motivation). First she asked me to tell her about myself (education, hobbies etc), she then went onto ask questions about the course, for example, what is the course outline and what license do you leave phase 2 with etc. She also asked about my motivation to become a pilot and what the roles of a first officer are. In this section she also asked some technical...

  5. 5. 

    I was applying for the integrated ATPL and Oxford. Interview was conducted via Skype. Lasted 30 minutes. First section was about settling in with questions about your interests and your current level of education. Then there were a few technical questions.  They asked a lot about the course. (view the study guide of this website).  The rest of the interview was about teamwork and leadership experiences. I was pretty nervous but found out the next day that I was...

  6. 6. 

    The interview was over Skype due to the corona virus. I was interviewed by a woman, she was very nice and made me feel relaxed. She asked me the ordinary questions, (view the study guide of this website).   She said the interview would last roughly 30 mins, even though I was informed in email that it would be about an hour, I did it in 40...

  7. 7. 

    They brought in eight candidates in their new group interview format. We went into a classroom and was given a presentation on who CAE is and what this CFI position was responsible for. After that we had some question and answer session then all went on a tour of the facilities. We saw the training rooms, sim rooms, maintenance hanger, and were introduced to a few people along the way. Once the tour was over we all split up. My first interview was the HR portion where I sat down one on one...

  8. 8. 

    If you have an interview, they already assigned you a jet. They have you walk in at 12:30, quick 25 question test at 1, then they take you in for an interview with a PM. The test consists of basic private and instrument questions, they said pass or fail doesn’t determine if you get a job. After the test, you are called one by one into a room with a different PM. They ask you a few general questions.  Interview...

  9. Amazing experience! Outstanding, accurate gouge.

    John G Jul 23, 2024

    I was able to read the gouges for my company. The recent Gouges were very accurate!

    Clayton G Jul 23, 2024