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  • I met with the Director of Operations. Shaun escorted me to his office where formalities were completed and was asked about my current employment. We spoke for a short time and then I was asked why I picked Medway...

Pilot interviewing trend at Corporate Flight Departments

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  1. 1. 

    Everything I have read on here is really accurate. I was asked a few questions regarding aerodynamics and other questions,  (view the study guide of this website).  Everything was laid back and straight forward. Total time in the room was 30...

  2. 2. 

    I was hired based at this Part 91 Corporate flight department due to a number of factors. I live in very close proximity to the airport, I have the flight time necessary, and I was very familiar with the operations out of Leesburg Executive Airport. The interview was more of a personality interview than a technical interview. There were zero technical interview questions. I was asked if I could attend training soon and I answered yes. I have a class date at CAE Dallas next week. I...

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    First I spoke with the Georgia Jet director or operations about the position and my experience. He told me about the company type of work and specifics of job. He asked about my flying experience and why i was leaving my current employer. He told me about some of the difficulties they were having getting training dates and asked if it seemed like a company i would want to work for. Then i was invited to have a formal interview it was was straightforward and more of a get to know you and...

  4. 4. 

    No practical questions were asked in the interview. Overall very good experience, the chief pilot, captain, and director of safety operations conducted the interview. They were also ATP alumni so it helped me a lot talking about my experience as an instructor. They really just wanted to know about my flight experience and what to expect if I was hired onto the team. Very laid back and they answered quite a few of my questions about them as...

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  6. 6. 

    This interview is for Sandhills Aviation Skype screen-sharing interview, mostly all technical and scenario based questions. Lots of emergency and flight planning. Alternator failures Oxygen requirements Alternate requirements Weather minimums Engine failures Mountain flying Been out all night, you have an early flight, what do you...

  7. 7. 

    I met with the Director of Operations. Shaun escorted me to his office where formalities were completed and was asked about my current employment. We spoke for a short time and then I was asked why I picked Medway Air Ambulance as my choice for employment. I explained to him why I wanted to fly with this company and my passion for helping people as well as my passion to fly. After talking with him about the company, benefits, schedule and when training would begin, I was offered a First...

  8. 8. 

    Started off with a phone interview with an HR rep. Straight forward simple questions about my resume and flight experience.the day after the phone interview I was setup with a face to face interview with the same HR rep and the chief pilot. This varies it could be the director of operations, the chief pilot, or the director of training. Again the interview was straight forward only one techinical question. Pretty simple, know basic instruments and you’ll be ok. No simulator check,...

  9. 9. 

    This interview is for Menards in Eau Claire, WI.  Menards is a coporate division for Menards Home Stores in the midwest.  I arrived at the interview about an hour early.  After about a half hours worth of paperwork,  I met with Ron (CP) and Becky (HR).   They asked me 4 questions:   How did you get into flying? Tell me about yourself. What are your strengths and weaknesses? Why are you a good fit?   All in all, very...

  10. Amazing experience! Outstanding, accurate gouge.

    John G Jul 23, 2024

    I was able to read the gouges for my company. The recent Gouges were very accurate!

    Clayton G Jul 23, 2024