Envoy Air

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FREE Pilot interview information and gouge

We've Aviation Professionals Prepare for their Interviews!
  • As expected the day began at exactly 0645 with the shuttle ride from the La Quinta hotel to Envoy headquarters. Upon arrival we were greeted and escorted into a room to sign in and place our lunch orders. We were then taken to a conference room upstairs where they took our log books and the original documents which they had requested copies of via email a couple weeks before the interview. We then sat through a presentation with a recruiter telling us about the company while our documents were being reviewed. They then began to pull us out of the room individually for combined HR and technical interviews. The HR questions included the usual “tell me about a time when” and “what would you do if the captain...” questions. (view the study guide of this website). The technical questions were rapid fire. Know...

Pilot interviewing trend at Envoy Air

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  1. 1. 

    Jul 24, 2024
    The interview went exactly as expected from reading previous interviews from this website. I was out of area and was flown in the night prior. Envoy paid for my hotel and flight accommodations to get here and back home. The shuttle took us to HQ at 6:30 in the morning, at which we sat in the waiting room. Around 7:30 the HR team came in, collected logbooks, radio operators permit, DL, pilot certs, medical, and passport. They hold onto these until your interview. We were told to sign in and...

  2. 2. 

    Jul 11, 2024
    Interview started on time. There was a short presentation. We waited and then were pulled individually for HR/ Technical portion, (view the study guide of this website).  Technical was nothing out of the ordinary from the questions here. Know your Jeep charts and regs and you'll be fine. This included special use airspace and definitions on enroute chart, airspeeds, holding speeds, and identifying airspaces on charts. I was asked if there was a changeover point between NAV aids, there...

  3. 3. 

    Jul 09, 2024
    First of all, everything that has been mentioned here was VERY accurate, almost to the T. I did have Envoy fly me out and get me a hotel (its not terrible). The hotel phone was not working for me, and the shuttle never showed up for me. I had to have an Uber pick me up from the airport. Others said they waited almost an hour for their shuttle. The morning of the interview a van was prompt at 0620. Ride takes about 15-20 to Envoy HQ. Very nice building, and very nice staff. Checking in, there...

  4. 4. 

    Jun 27, 2024
    Like everyone says, study this gouge. I was 1 of 4 selected to proceed with FO hiring; based on the conversation in the room after interviews, the other guys seemed short on technical knowledge. There are no “gotchas”, if they’ve invited you to the interview then it’s yours to lose; don’t gaff it off, just study all of this. WEAR A SUIT. BUTTON THE TOP BUTTON. DON’T CUSS. Same stuff your mom always told you. 30min interview was Jepp chart heavy. HR...

  5. 5. 

    Jun 24, 2024
    All staff was very nice and friendly. They started us exactly at 7:20am. Shuttle took us to headquarters. We handed our papers and then headed up stairs for a presentation about the company. Then they called us one by one for a 30min interview. Interview is a FO and HR person. They swap back and forth with HR and technical questions. A LOT of questions on Jeppesen plates (SID, EN ROUTE, STARS, airport diagram and 10-9As and things like that) - the rest of technical was 121 refs (when is a...

  6. 6. 

    Jun 24, 2024
    Envoy Interview went well, follow this website you’ll be very prepared, know the jepp charts and how to brief Approach, Arrival, Departue, taxi. Know that the beacon is the star on airport diagram. Threshold, EMAS. Both FOs Didn’t get it but was encouraged to come back in 6...

  7. 7. 

    Jun 20, 2024
    They picked us all up from the hotel with a driver. We were met at the facility by a recruiter. We did the basic handing in of our IDs and logbooks, but they had printed all of the documents we had sent them so that’s all we needed. An FO gave us basic information about the company and then they pulled us out one by one to do an interview with an HR rep and a captain for the technical. I didn’t know about the gouge that you can buy on here, but everyone else did so I was very...

  8. 8. 

    Jun 19, 2024
    Boarded the shuttle at 0620 to Envoy’s HQ. You spend some time in the waiting area to the left of main entrance where you hand over logbooks and order breakfast from the cafe. They will then take you to the conference room where you and your fellow FO/cadets wait for your briefing and interview. The briefing lasted less than 20 minutes and consists of the standard stuff (pay/domiciles/aicraft/etc). The interviews didn’t really start until 0915ish. The staff were professional, but...

  9. 9. 

    Jun 19, 2024
    Very smooth experience all around. The hotel had a shuttle pre-arranged for 6:20 departure and got us to Envoy HQ around 6:50. Handed over logbook and certs for review and then did a full review of paperwork. Company provided breakfast which was great! After a quick rundown on company benefits we were called one at a time for interviews. Interview was around half an hour with a pilot and HR recruiter. Recruiter had a lot of standard TMAAT questions and this is the opportunity to highlight...

  10. 10. 

    Jun 17, 2024
    Interview process was exactly as explained on this site. Know the Jepp charts and study guide. Interview was 30 min...

  11. I was very prepared with 0 surprisesThe benefits are well worth it and it will prepare you to ace the interview

    Vincent R Jul 05, 2024

    Hired at Envoy Air
    100% needed for interviews! Highly recommend!

    Tyler B Jun 19, 2024

    Hired at Envoy Air