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  • The interview was the most pleasant interview I have ever had. Met with the interviewer (active GoJet Captain) at a Marriott near my house. He was there for a career fair and stayed for my interview so I didn't have to fly up to St Louis. Interview was very similar to the others on this website and the study questions were all you really need to prepare with. A couple of notes to mention 1. GoJet uses Lido charts instead of Jeppesson or FAA charts. We used the Lido chart for the technical...

Pilot interviewing trend at GoJet Airlines

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  1. 1. 

    Jul 15, 2024
    Hour long interview with a recruiter and pilot. The gouge is spot on for the questions that were asked, so interview was easy. I would study the LIDO charts since you are ask a number of questions on the approach plate.  I got the offer letter about 2 days...

  2. 2. 

    Jul 09, 2024
    Other interview feedback on here Is very accurate and reflect the actual interview process. Typical tell me about a time questions. Technical interview was as described also. No surprises and super...

  3. 3. 

    Jul 09, 2024
    Overall the interview was very similar to what has been posted on this website. They do a great job easing your nerves and breaking the ice before diving in the interview. Look through the study guide, practice, and you'll be just fine. It started off right at the top of the hour with an introduction from an HR representative and a FO from the airline. They walked me through a presentation of GoJet (history, aircraft, bases, benefits, etc) and gave me an opportunity to ask any initial...

  4. 4. 

    Jun 28, 2024
    Began with the presentation of company pay, benefits, and any questions from HR. HR portion began,  Then the technical portion began, the pilot showed me a dispatch list and asked questions, (view the study guide of this website).  Overall went really good, the interviewers were really nice. They gave me a job offer about 2 hours...

  5. 5. 

    Jun 25, 2024
    Super chill interview. I did the technical part first. -Brief a LIDO approach plate (it was Denver 16 ILS LOC). I'd recommend studying what they send. Go by that flow and you'll be good. Read a METAR and determine if you need an alternate (123 rule).  HR Portion -Why do you want to work here? -Checkride failures -What makes a good Captain - recommend talking about leading by example. Be someone that practices what they preach. They seemed to love that answer. -Standard criminal...

  6. 6. 

    Jun 19, 2024
    Interview started with a few connection issues with Kali but she got it fixed. She proceeded with the presentation and after asked HR style question such as "Why GoJet?", "Tell me about yourself?". After that she proceeded to answer my questions regarding to the PowerPoint. Ali then joined and we got into the technical portion consisting of briefing a LIDO, TAF, and alternate requirements. In regards to the alternate he's looking for you to explain the thought process as...

  7. 7. 

    Jun 14, 2024
    Interview was with Kali and Lisa. Started off with presentation about company by Kali. Followed by HR questions by her also. Lisa then administered the technical. questions are on par with everything on here. Wish I had asked Lisa more about herself because she seemed like a pretty cool individual. At the end of the interview I had missed more questions than I was comfortable with and kinda threw me off. Lisa stumped me on a couple questions like precipitation in hundredths of an inch in the...

  8. 8. 

    Jun 12, 2024
    HR Manager and a Senior Captain via Teams, about an hour all up. The usual HR questions by others here so far and availability etc, followed by Tech, read a TAF/METAR, Brief ILS on a LIDO (new to me it was, coming from Jepps but all the info is there), scenario based on weather closing in at destination - what things would you consider, know your holding speeds, alternate requirements incl the exemptions, what to do when visual with approach lighting only and how low to go (100' ;) !...

  9. 9. 

    Jun 11, 2024
    The interview was very laid back. Started with a mini presentation about Gojet from the HR person. Then, technical questions from a captain. Similar questions and expectations from other interview posts. I was asked about a scenario regarding deteriorating weather at a destination with no reserve fuel. I did pretty well overall but did not get the job. Overall, good...

  10. 10. 

    May 30, 2024
    Pretty chill as the others said. Hr does a presentation then ask you 3 TMAT questions & 2 other general question. Then you have the technical interview which is pretty straight forward. They tell you in the email what the technical portion will be about. Good interview process. I got the chance to ask the question I wanted at the...

  11. Great site. I got hired.

    Jeff G Jul 23, 2024

    Hired at GoJet Airlines
    It was spot on and amazing! Thank you for helping me get hired!

    Ahmad A

    Hired at GoJet Airlines