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FREE Pilot interview information and gouge

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  • This was specifically for JSX. Other gouges were pretty spot on. They provided a hotel room, offered transportation but wasn't needed in my case. There were 5 interviewees including myself, started with a presentation and overview of the company, benefits, compensation, upgrade times, etc. Next was the technical interview, paired with another applicant to go over a taxi, SID, STAR, and approach for KSNA to KMMH using Jepp plates. I have no experience outside of studying...

Pilot interviewing trend at JSX

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  1. 1. 

    Oct 08, 2024
    Very relaxed atmosphere. No call back after 2 days but I'm fully expecting an offer. 3 interviews: HR (1-on-1), technical (2 applicants with one instructor interviewer), and Chief pilot discussion (2-on-2). Sim was broken so we didn't do it, but they told us the profile was simple: depart from LA, make a turn and hold altitude & airspeed, enter holding at Seal Beach VOR, then get vectors to an ILS. HR questions were predictable, (view the study guide of this website).  ...

  2. 2. 

    Oct 07, 2024
    I was asked several HR questions, (view the study guide of this website).  Chief Pilot: Ask mainly about résumé items, total time, multi engine time and so forth. It was really just to get to know you and see if you would fit in the PILOT group. He says that he can teach anybody to fly the jet at this level, but wants to know if you’re going to fit in well with all the pilots. Then Technica...

  3. 3. 

    Sep 12, 2024
    HR Gouge was excellent. Technical interview was short and sweet, know your Jepp SIDS, STARS and Plates. Chief Pilot portion was a relaxed 'get to know you' deal to see if you'd be a good fit culturally at JSX. A few things brought up during my technical:  cold temperature correction chart in regards to a KRNO ILS note, know what your altimeter will read at FAF and when on field, and lastly a KOAK approach that keeps you at 1600 due to traffic going into KSFO (when told to go around)....

  4. 4. 

    Sep 12, 2024
    The overall interview was similar to other peoples experiences that I saw on here. With the difference being we did not do a flight Sim and my technical questions were completely different. With any professional interview you should expect questions based on the flying you are doing. The first thing we did was a tour of the facility. The lady is really nice that does the tour with you, but she is watching you and seeing how you interact with the other people. After the tour, we broke for...

  5. 5. 

    Sep 11, 2024
    The interview process was very straight forward and similar to what is on here. You are with a group of about 6 people. They do a tour of the facility and the. Break for lunch. After that they do a presentation about the company/pay/benefits. Then they pair you up with another person in your group. You do the chief pilot interview and technical interview together and the HR portion on your own. The technical interview was the most difficult part but just study what’s on here...

  6. 6. 

    Sep 11, 2024
    Everything was as you’d expect. Something important to realize, if you’ve made it to the hiring even and past the phone interview, then you’re already ahead of thousands of applicants. They want you there, be confident in that. Additionally, if you get a chart during your technical, read it before answering ANY questions haha. If you have your CFII, he skips the normal questions and sticks to jet related information, performance, and abnormal procedures on instrument...

  7. 7. 

    Sep 11, 2024
    The whole process was pretty true to the other submissions on AviationInterviews . It started with a phone interview that I expected to be a get to know you “HR” type call that turned out to be a short IFR/ flight planning knowledge test..the interviewer on the phone asked basic questions regarding a full flight scenario from pre-flight planning, fuel requirements, what to consider with storms for a go or no go decision, what speeds you are required to be at below 10,000 and in...

  8. 8. 

    Aug 13, 2024
    The interview was very interactive and enjoyable. Everyone working there was polite and seemed to really enjoy the job. We toured all the facilities. There was an HR portion which seemed very easy to me. The questions were straight forward and not super abstract like a lot of HR interviews. The Simulator portion was easy and they want to see that you can follow directions. The technical interview was weird for me and the questions were not typical. Still it wasn't unreasonably difficult,...

  9. 9. 

    Jul 29, 2024
    The interview was pretty straightforward without a hitch. I read up and prepared using the feedback from previous interviews and it was a breeze. The interviewers were friendly and professional, which helped me feel at ease. We started with some basic introductions and small talk to break the ice. They then asked me about my background and experience, focusing on projects relevant to the position I was applying for. There was also a section on behavioral questions, where they asked about...

  10. 10. 

    Jul 29, 2024
    Overall great experience, it's a long day so buckle up and get some rest the night before. First portion was a simulator, basically just follow the flight director and maintain heading and altitude. They don't expect you to know how to fly the plane, theres a sim partner crewing with you. Lunch was a 1hr break and then we got into interviews. The technical questions were from the list on here, but there were a few others surrounding basic aerodynamics and performance data that were sprinkled...

  11. The information shared on aviation interviews.com was an exact description of the interview day and questions asked.

    Lloyd T

    Hired at JSX
    Awesome prep for my interview. All possible questions are listed here. Highly recommended to be used by anyone prepping for upcoming interview. Thanks a lot.

    Caesar M

    Hired at JSX