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  • I submitted my application for Republic Airways and heard back from a recruiter the following day. We had a 15 minutes phone screen conversation a few days later and I was invited for an interview in Indianapolis. They booked my flights to and from the interview and put me up at the Springhill Suites near the training center. All travel and accommodation was paid for by Republic. On the interview day I arrived at 08:15am and met all the other applicants interviewing that day. At 08:30am we had a company presentation by HR and...

Pilot interviewing trend at Republic Airways

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  1. 1. 

    Jul 25, 2024
    Very pleasant interview experience. Initially began with HR questions, about yourself, (view the study guide of this website).  Then Technical questions, centerline lights alternating red and white, decode METAR+TAF, do we need an alternate, fuel required for alternate. Brief a Jepp plate. Position offered on the...

  2. 2. 

    Jul 19, 2024
    Pretty spot on to other reviews. Came in the day before, toured the facilities and had a brief HR presentation and then the hr person left and you could ask any questions to the pilots you wanted. Actual interview was super simple, a few TMAAT and then some simple weather stuff. Done after...

  3. 3. 

    Jul 18, 2024
    Extremely basic and fast interview after the tour and logbook form I was the last one to go all in all took 20 minutes. Asked about a stressful flight I had, Jepp chart symbols, a metar, do you need an alternate on a taf, what is a stall, asked about ground effect. Overall very simple and I got everything right. But they didn’t hire me, honestly have no idea...

  4. 4. 

    Jul 12, 2024
    Overall experience was great. Had a simple phone screening and scheduled a date to interview. Non rev tickets were sent to me the week before the flight. Shuttle bus drivers were friendly and knowledgeable. The facility and hotel was amazing. Stayed in the hotel overnight and then went downstairs and met up with the other FO candidates and had breakfast then we went on a short tour around the training facility, saw the simulators, training rooms, and then we got a short HR presentation on...

  5. 5. 

    Jul 09, 2024
    Very relaxed environment. Was flown out the day before to the company hotel and the next morning was given a tour along with the other interviewees. They gave a presentation on company benefits, Q&A with pilots who were part of the interview process then finally you get called 1 at a time for your interview. The interview was only ~20 or ~25 minutes and was very basic TMAAT and technical questions. Overall the facilities and staff are extremely first-class and polite! Study the gouge...

  6. 6. 

    Jul 03, 2024
    Great experience overall! Read all the details in the emails they send you! A few applicants were missing items like PRD, flight times, etc. Write out your flight times as described in these reviews ahead of time! Everything as described "as is" previously in these reviews. If you are called for the in-person interview, bring your stories and be confident. They want you as much as you want them! Wonderful associates throughout the complex! It very much appears to be one corporate...

  7. 7. 

    Jul 01, 2024
    Interview experience was very welcoming. I feel like they really want good pilots on staff. I was flown in the night before and had a slight delay for thunderstorms. Shuttle driver was aware and stayed a few minutes after to pick us up. They gave us time night one to tour the Carmel area and I found it to be nice. Meijer is within walking distance. Interview came after a company HR presentation and then you are left with two pilots a captain and fo to ask any off the record question....

  8. 8. 

    Jun 26, 2024
    Flew into Indianapolis the day before the interview. Spent the night in the new company hotel attached to training center. Breakfast buffet the next morning and met in the lobby by HR rep for a quick tour of attached training center. This was followed by a HR presentation and then you are left with a few pilots for private Q&A. They did a great job explaining company benefits and the CBA as well as what life is really like at Republic. We were then taken down to the lobby and called one...

  9. 9. 

    Jun 19, 2024
    Relatively short and simple interview. They collected my paperwork and logbooks, and asked me a few questions about them. Then was the HR portion of interview. Maybe about 10 minutes of questions including why I wanted to fly for Republic, what my favorite and least favorite flights were. The technical portion lined up with the study guide questions. Asked some questions about CRM, metars/tafs and when an alternate would be required, and instrument procedures including a full approach...

  10. 10. 

    Jun 19, 2024
    My experience was just like most. Breakfast at the Hotel, tour, interview. We started with HR questions, which were all basic TMAATs. There were a few technical questions, Those were about Jeppesen charts,  Otherwise it is exactly as you see...

  11. It is a plethora of information!

    William D Jul 05, 2024

    Hired at Republic Airways
    Interviews and study guides were helpful. They made me feel comfortable about what I might encounter in an interview.

    Brenna D May 14, 2024

    Hired at Republic Airways