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We've Aviation Professionals Prepare for their Interviews!
  • Was put up in the Holiday Inn the day before the interview and flew in around 4pm the day prior. Hotel does have a shuttle just make sure to call when you land and they will give you an estimate as to how long of a wait.  Hotel does run a shuttle to the Mall of America as well. Shuttle to Sun Country runs on the 15 and 45 but you have to schedule it with them. They are not always running. My interview was at 12:00pm so I took the 11:15 shuttle which worked out nice being that the HQ was only 2 mins from the hotel. Was able to knock out Hogan before the interview was even supposed to begin. Deb was very...

Pilot interviewing trend at Sun Country

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  1. 1. 

    Jun 25, 2024
    It was exactly how others have expierenced for the bridge program FO interview. You do a cognitive test and then roughly an hour and a half long interview and they followed the study guide and incorporated some more CRM scenarios such as a hostile passenger, what to do if turbulence is at your assigned altitdude and cant bring more fuel. I was also asked to teach class B...

  2. 2. 

    Jun 12, 2024
    Interview consisted of a HR company presentation about pay, aircrafts, types of flying and company outlook. I was the only applicant that day, but normally a small group of potential candidates are there. The technical/hr interview was conducted by two retired airline pilots. The HR portion consisted of general questions, (view the study guide of this website).  Super laid back interview and more of a conversation and a get to know you kind of deal. A few TMAAT questions. Technical...

  3. 3. 

    Jun 11, 2024
    Yes, I waited that long to hear back before being offered an interview. I last flew in the Air Force in 2012 and didn't fly for 10 years due to a medical issue. I was hired at a regional airline and I think Sun Country wanted to see X# flight hours w/in the preceding year before offering an interview. That's just a guess. Interview was mostly consistent with other experiences posted. However, I was surprised by some questions NOT asked. i.e. No "Why Sun Country?" and...

  4. 4. 

    May 15, 2024
    The interview was pretty laid back.  Started with an intro,  (view the study guide of this website).  The technical part was basically nothing. I briefed an approach. Then they asked me holding entries and speeds on a specific arrival. Overall it was fairly easy. I felt like one of the interviewers didn't like my answers and kept on digging at everything I would say. I just tried to stay calm and think before I spoke. The cog test is ridiculous. No way to study. It makes you...

  5. 5. 

    May 14, 2024
    The interview is exactly as said on this site. Study the gouge they sent you they'll ask a few of them at the end of the interview portion. The rest of it was just getting to know you as a person. If you show up with confidence you will be fine. I just explained my reasoning for each situation they asked. Make it into more of a conversation and explain your reasoning. The computer portion is easy just make sure to read the...

  6. 6. 

    Apr 30, 2024
    Very straightforward interview! They ask a lot of situation-based questions relating to CRM. Technical questions are very minimal. They do not stray from the gouge that they give you prior. They really like to hear about your background, where you came from, how you got interested in aviation, and why you are here...

  7. 7. 

    Apr 17, 2024
    Interview process was exactly like others mentioned. I did the computer assessment and then the HR/ technical interview with two retired Delta pilots. They asked lots of questions about my CFI days and questions about being a good leader and crew member. I briefed an approach plate and answered A few questions about a STAR. Some situation based questions as well. Interview I assumed went well. Unfortunately I was not offered a...

  8. 8. 

    Apr 16, 2024
    Very similar to what everyone else has said. Had a presentation, spoke with a VP, completed the Cog Test, had the Interview with a couple of retired captains and was let know that I would get a response the next week. The other interviews that have been said here are very accurate, and I knew what to expect going in. I definitely had the least experience of anyone interviewing the day that I did. Good Luck to...

  9. 9. 

    Apr 09, 2024
    I really enjoyed the interview. It is what all the other interview reports say it is. Everyone at this company I talked to was really nice. As already stated, take the COG test slow, and read the instructions carefully. I ended up waiting for about 20 minutes after I finished the test to interview, so don't be afraid to take a couple of minutes between sections of the test as required. For the interview portion, I think my intro was a little longer than what they were looking for, they were...

  10. 10. 

    Apr 03, 2024
    Overall everyone was super friendly and welcoming. Started off with a presentation about the company. One of the higher ups walked in and met us during that. After about an hour of that I went and did the cogscreen while the other guy went and took the interview. I finished up with that waited like 15 minutes and then we switched. After we were both done with those we met again with the lady that did our presentation in the beginning and she explained to us that they use a score system. If...

  11. Absolutely recommend using aviation interviews prior to your interview.

    Ryan W Nov 22, 2023

    Hired at Sun Country
    In depth reviews and answers to questions asked.

    Samuel J Sep 12, 2023

    Hired at Sun Country