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  • Arrived 5 minutes before report time of 0815. Signed in and was given a visitor badge. A few minutes later I was greeted by a nice retired captain who would be conducting my sim eval. He showed me around and then we sat for a while which he explained the process of the day and the sim profile. He took all required paperwork and logbooks and they were viewed by another office during the sim eval. (view the...

Pilot interviewing trend at United Parcel Service

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  1. 1. 

    Jun 17, 2024
    Zoom interview much like others have stated on here. Very laid back. Every single question I got asked was on here. I wish I could be more helpful but it really was that way. TMAY Why UPS/why now? What have you heard about UPS? (view the study guide of this website).  Brief ILS and holding Talk through V1 engine failure Talk through Cat 2 Brief descent planning and other...

  2. 2. 

    Jun 10, 2024
    For whatever this timeline discussion may be worth in the future, as it sounds like the application/interview timeline changes significantly over the course of different years/hiring windows and even within them--here is what my timeline looked like: the middle of Spring completed application approximately 5 weeks later email from Chief Pilot requesting a date/time for phone screening. No news or contact whatsoever between then. Four days later phone screening 3 days after Hogan assigned on...

  3. 3. 

    Jun 10, 2024
    Phone screen interview a couple weeks prior. Video interview with HR rep and Captain. (view the study guide of this website).  Brief up ILS at...

  4. 4. 

    Jun 07, 2024
    The interview process was via zoom with 1 retired HR and 1 retired Captain. It lasted a little more than an hour overall. They started with HR questions, (view the study guide of this website). Then they swapped to the technical portion of the interview. The retired CA asked me to perform a descent planning scenario, asked me to perform a holding entry and procedure, talked through wind-shear escape maneuver, and briefed an RNAV arrival in SDF. The process was very laid back, very...

  5. 5. 

    Jun 06, 2024
    Very welcoming panel of interviewers. They quickly put you at ease and want to get to know the real you. The whole interview is more of a discussion with follow up questions than rapid fire back and forth. I used a service and the study guide on here and felt more than prepared for everything that was brought up. If you made it far enough to interview they really do want to hire...

  6. 6. 

    Jun 05, 2024
    The interview process was via zoom with 1 retired HR and 1 retired Captain. It lasted a little more than an hour overall. They started with HR questions, (view the study guide of this website).  Then they swapped to the technical portion of the interview. The retired CA asked me to perform a descent planning scenario, asked me to perform a holding entry and procedure, talked through windshear escape maneuver, and briefed an RNAV arrival in BOS. The process was very laid back, very...

  7. 7. 

    Jun 05, 2024
    The interview lasted 1.5 hours and was very laid back. HR portion had the typical TMAAT questions. Use the study guide here and you'll know what kind of questions they'll ask. The tech portion was very straight forward, no gotchas. Descent planning, windshear recovery, ADM questions, TEM and CRM questions, holding entry and speeds, arrival briefing. Overall they just want to see the real...

  8. 8. 

    May 29, 2024
    Very casual interview session. It was more of a nice conversation than an interview where they are firing questions at you. Both interviwers were truly gentlemen. One retired captain and one retired HR. They just want to know who you are, why do you want to join UPS and want to know more about your intereactions with colleagues in your previous jobs. How do you handle different situations, etc. Overall it was a great experience. If the mayority of people at UPS are like the gentlemen who...

  9. 9. 

    May 27, 2024
    Everything that’s been posted is spot on. Use the study guide questions to prep! Very relaxed interview. The interviewers were the retired hr gentleman and the retired pilot. Focus on tmaat scenarios. I came in from 19 years of 121 from a major and I was a line check pilot. So the focus was more on those experiences. The questions seem very tailored to your experience. Know how to read a jeep...

  10. 10. 

    May 17, 2024
    After application was sent. Took 2 weeks to schedule phone review. Another 1 week for the HOGAN and another 1 week for the interview. Follow the study guide from here and you will be completely fine. HR type Questions, (view the study guide of this website),  Technical part: Hold Procedures, Holding Speeds, Windshear procedure on my current aircraft, Engine Failure procedure on my current aircraft. Very nice and relax atmosphere. They want you there. Be calm and enjoy the...

  11. Amazing experience! Outstanding, accurate gouge.

    John G Jul 23, 2024

    Hired at United Parcel Service
    I was pressed for time because the UPS hiring schedule was very swift. Formal prep was not an option, but the descriptions and question bank at Aviation Interviews allowed me to prepare in only two days. The results speak for themselves as I received the job offer!

    Christopher M Jun 12, 2024

    Hired at United Parcel Service