
We've Helped 223,000+ Aviation Professionals Prepare for their Interviews!

SkyWest Airlines Flight Attendant Interviews

Read Page 1 ... keep for a face to face interview. I was fortunate enough to receive one of these interviews along with the ladies I was sitting with. They took 3 at a time each person sat with one interviewer in a relaxed situation and for me was more like having a conversation with someone with some questions peppered into it. I was happy that I was interviewed by the senior recruiter she was close to my age and I immediately found some common grounds with her to put myself at ease and remove those butterflies in my stomach lol she was very sweet and approachable we talked as friends not once did I feel uncomfortable or under a microscope My advice to everyone to be prepared but don't over think things know you material and the airline expectations but answer questions honestly if you do it will show them who you are and that you are the right person to work for them. In life you can only be the best version of yourself. All in all I left Skywest interview feeling good and accomplished. It was my first experience in this industry although I have a hobby with aviation and I am thankful I attended and it left such a positive experience with me. So if I receive an offer I will become the best Flight Attendant I can possibly be for Skywest and if I do not I ... Continue Reading this Interview Experience