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FREE Pilot interview information and gouge

We've Aviation Professionals Prepare for their Interviews!
  • Read Page 1 ... prepared to stare at a screen for 3 hours. AND I MEAN STARE AT IT. Day 2 was the face to face interviews. You’ll be paired with 2 line pilots first. They will do their best to put you at ease. From their its a long drawn out conversation about you, a couple scenarios (WWYD), questions about your logbook, TMAAT and an opportunity to ask questions about the Company. When going through the scenarios, keep CRM at the forefront. Be sure to include all of the crew when you can. They will give you scratch paper to write out your plan for the scenarios, as they will want you...

Pilot interviewing trend at American Airlines

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  1. 1. 

    Jul 17, 2024
    Straightforward. You will watch a video about AA. A pilot will answer any questions you may have. You will break off with two pilots who will interview you beside the DC-3. This website provides the questions for you to be able to recall a story to be able to tell them. Id guess my interview lasted about 25 min or so. They seem to call you out in groups of 3-4 afterwards to the room with models which is a good sign....

  2. 2. 

    Jul 17, 2024
    Very similar experience to what was said before. The first thing you do is drop off your luggage, logbooks, and verify your paperwork. If you followed the recommendations they sent you beforehand you should have no issues. Afterwards they send you to the museum to watch a video and a pilot is there to tell you about American and answer questions. Once this is done they will bring you to the room with the DC 3 in it and you'll meet your interviewers there. You will interview with two pilots,...

  3. 3. 

    Jul 10, 2024
    Experience was similar to what everyone has previously stated. One thing to add was that you interview around the DC-3, so you can hear other people talking in their interviews while you're doing your interview. It wasn't distracting for me, but if it concerns you, I suggest prepping for it. Everyone was super nice and their goal was to make us all feel relaxed. DONT READ INTO IT if they pull you out with other people in the first group after the interview is complete, that's all I'll say...

  4. 4. 

    Jul 10, 2024
    Same experience from previous reports. 6 applicants, initial thoughts were they chose 4 of us but the other two could have had a further review. My interview lasted all of 15 minutes, asked the recruiters one question when it was my chance, if I was competitive/comparable with what they were looking for, response was they said I would fit in well. We finished and I waited for 30 minutes for the next candidate to finish up while I walked around the museum. TMAAT: disagreed with CA/Boss and...

  5. 5. 

    Jun 26, 2024
    Very similar to all the other interviews with the hr interview conducted 2 weeks prior. Very straightforward with no surprises other than you cannot take anything into your actual interview. Not even a printed resume, notebook, pen or letter of recommendation. They will provide a pen and paper for you to collect your thoughts should you choose to use...

  6. 6. 

    Jun 26, 2024
    The interview experience was completely focused on trying to put you at ease. Everyone was extremely professional and friendly. We conducted the logbook review first and I would emphasize flagging your logbooks as they direct. I cannot say definitively, but the one person who did not flag their logbooks as directed did not receive a CJO within our group. Following logbook review, they verified all the other required documents (passport, licenses, medical etc.) We then were taken to watch the...

  7. 7. 

    Jun 26, 2024
    The interview is pretty much spot on as described by others. It’s very relaxed and done in the museum around the DC. They really want you there and they make you feel really welcome. I had 2 TMAAT, 3 Technical and 2 what would you do questions. The rest is to see if they can stand to spend a 4 day or 8 hour flight with...

  8. 8. 

    Jun 25, 2024
    Everyone is super welcoming and happy for you to be there. If you're there they want you to be so try to get a good nights rest and come excited. Another huge thing is your logbooks. You wanna be one of the ones with no additional questions on your logbooks. They'll send you an expectation worksheet for your logbooks so follow those to a T and make sure check rides are all tabbed. Plus make sure any digital logbooks are printed out. Make it all look good, it'll be your first impression....

  9. 9. 

    Jun 25, 2024
    Same as previous discussed. They know about the gouges so it’s no secret but they want to hear your experiences from them. Checkin then drop off your logbooks. Watch a 20 minute video about American. Then off to the panel interview where they greet you by the DC3. STAR format along with what did you learn from it. Very relaxed. Logbook review seems very thorough so have them tabbed and totaled correctly. If you get there then they want to hire...

  10. 10. 

    Jun 25, 2024
    The interview starts at the hotel. The whole time I was there the night before and the morning of the hotel staff clearly are in contact with the hiring department as they actually brought up my interview when I checked in and were encouraging. I would strongly advise you treat your stay at the hotel with extreme scrutiny. In the morning they have a shuttle scheduled for your pickup and there will be an American crew in the lobby with 2 flight attendants that will stand out and kind of...

  11. I enjoyed the large question bank that was tailored to each airline.

    Garrett R May 14, 2024

    Hired at American Airlines
    Everything matches on this site. Gouge is spot on.

    Duncan M Mar 07, 2024

    Hired at American Airlines