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  • Interview was for the ADA position: Arrived early and was given a tour of the location. Then taken to their simulator for and IFR trip flight test. (view the Sim/Simulator of this website). Asked what I did right and wrong. Left to calculate my score and after a while HR returned to congratulate me on passing the test and took me upstairs for the interview. Explained about the position then the questions started: Asked what I did right and wrong with in the simulator, then general HR type questions, (view the study guide of this...

Pilot interviewing trend at Dynamic Aviation

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  1. 1. 

    The interview is 2-part. Part 1 is a "simulator" assessment using a PC-ATD, (view the sim/scenario section in the study guide of this website).  Part 2 was a face to face with the HR manager and a hiring manager. The Site Manager was a part of the interview as well via Teams. Then questions.  They also want honest feedback on the simulator portion and your goals. They were transparent that this is not a "traditional" pilot position where you show up, fly, then...

  2. 2. 

    First Sim, (view the Sim/Scenario section in the study guide of this website).  Once you pass the sim, you'll have a sit down with at least one HR rep and one department lead for whichever you applied. You will get some standard questions from HR ( "Can you name a time you had difficulty with a crewmember...etc") They are looking for good personalities to be "stuck" with in a cockpit and who can work well with not only other crew members but customers. Good...

  3. 3. 

    The HR interview was very calm and nice nothing fancy, they will incorporate the questions into the conversation and they'll make you fell very comfortable to answer. It started off by tell me about yourself, and then several HR type questions.  (view the study guide of this website)....

  4. 4. 

    The process began with a phone interview, explaining the details of the position, company overview, etc. We then discussed my current job, and what I liked/disliked about it. This transitioned into why I applied for this position. They make it clear that this is not a normal flying job, due to being on the road for up to 60 days at a time. After that, I was invited to an in person interview and SIM evaluation at their office in Bridgewater VA. I wasn't able to go there for about 2 weeks,...

  5. 5. 

    I applied to Dynamic and heard back within the week. Everyone was so kind and professional and that continued to be displayed all the way through the hiring process. I flew out a week later for my job interview. They recommended a hotel nearby in Harrisonburg and Bridgewater was a fifteen minute drive from there. Once arriving at the airport, I was met at the front office by a flight instructor who gave me a tour of the facility, which lasted roughly an hour, and then the sim session was the...

  6. 6. 

    I applied to Dynamic online and heard back from their HR rep within a week. We had a phone interview that lasted approximately 40 minutes. The gal was very easy to talk to and effortlessly answered all my questions. She explained that the next step is going to their offices and completing a simulated approach and if all goes well, it is followed by an interview with the head of the department. I wasn't able to fly out till a month later which was no problem on their end and she confirmed...

  7. 7. 

    First was a phone interview which consisted mostly of talking about the company/job and my experience/skills to determine if I would be a good fit. Lasted about one hour. Then I was asked to schedule an in person interview which included a sim evaluation (very simple old school desktop sim. See sim page). After I passed the sim I went to a different room for HR questions (see study guide). After that I was done. Although it appeared to go well I was informed at the end of the week that they...

  8. 8. 

    Had the phone interview with HR for the ADA position and was offered an in person interview immediately after. Do not say you want to build time for the airlines. In person was a long drive to Bridgewater, but the area is nice. I arrived in a full suit and seemed a bit over dressed, pants and a button down with a tie would probably suffice. There was a quick tour of the grounds, the amount of aircraft they have is impressive. Then we went to the sim. I did not to well for plenty of reasons,...

  9. 9. 

    We did a virtual interview on googlemeet. Interviewer talked about the company and what the job would be like for the first 10-15 minutes. We followed with a technical portion.  (view the study guide of this website).  We moved onto an HR portion with tell me a time when questions. Then they asked if I had any questions. The interview lasted exactly 1...

  10. 10. 

    Interview was for the ADA position: Arrived early and was given a tour of the location. Then taken to their simulator for and IFR trip flight test. (view the Sim/Simulator of this website). Asked what I did right and wrong. Left to calculate my score and after a while HR returned to congratulate me on passing the test and took me upstairs for the interview. Explained about the position then the questions started: Asked what I did right and wrong with in the simulator, then general HR type...

  11. Amazing experience! Outstanding, accurate gouge.

    John G Jul 23, 2024

    I was able to read the gouges for my company. The recent Gouges were very accurate!

    Clayton G Jul 23, 2024