Empire Airlines

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FREE Pilot interview information and gouge

We've Aviation Professionals Prepare for their Interviews!
  • I sent my app to the email address listed on the website along with a cover letter. Approximately 2 weeks after that I received an email stating I was selected for an interview for the Part 121 Caravan Captain position. I called Empire and talked to the head of HR. She was very nice and set me up for an interview time. We talked about the company and why I would like to be part of a small company such as Empire. She asked some non-detailed questions about flying and my experience. She also asked what I thought my biggest weakness would be reported as from crews I have flown with in the military. The rest of the...

Pilot interviewing trend at Empire Airlines

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  1. 1. 

    Apr 29, 2024
    Interview was in three parts. The first one is like a general get to know you phone call lasting about 15 minutes. The second phone call was the typical HR type of questions such as "are you legally allowed to work in the US. The Third and final part of the interview was over Skype/Teams. HR and the Chief Pilot will be in this call. Scenario based questions, FARs, Approaches, along with some personality questions. Empire is a smaller company, and everyone knows everyone, so they want to...

  2. 2. 

    Apr 22, 2024
    Three parts to interview process, first was basic HR call to schedule a more in depth HR phone call to get to know me more. This call contained mainly TMAAT questions. Then after the 30min HR call I got an email to schedule the technical interview with chief pilot. This was very laid back, chief pilot is a very nice guy. He mainly asked questions about lost comm procedures with route and altitude, IFR low enroute symbology, briefed an approach plate, and asked about how to enter a published...

  3. 3. 

    Dec 01, 2023
    First interview was with the recruiter very standard and friendly. Tell me about a time questions. Why empire? Set another more formal phone interview and then was asked more questions about my flying background and personal history. The recruiter emailed me about setting a date for a video interview over teams with the chief pilot. The final interview was straight forward had me brief an approach. Asked me questions about flying my current aircraft. The info on this site is...

  4. 4. 

    Sep 07, 2023
    The process takes place over 3 interviews. An initial phone screen, HR, and technical with HR + Chief Pilot. The HR portion was very straight forward. Have examples of how you've been a team player ready. For the technical interview, it was very laid back. We went over a good number of HR questions that were concerned with CRM and Situational Awareness. Have stories ready for these. They asked me to brief a FAA approach and answer questions about it. They also asked what hazardous attitude I...

  5. 5. 

    Aug 07, 2023
    3 step interview process. First call was a phone screen from an HR person, lasted about 10 minutes and was used to schedule the next interview and to get to know you a little bit. Second part was a call from HR with an interview that lasted about an hour. Lots of what "would you do in this scenario" and "tell me about a time when" type questions. They are very nice and fun to talk to. The 3rd step was an online face to face interview with the HR person and the chief pilot...

  6. 6. 

    Interview was friendly with HR and Chief Pilot. The gouge on here is pretty basic, so study it and know it a little more in depth (like "what is needed to go below mins on approach"). Everything was here except one question, (view the study guide of this website). Other than that great...

  7. 7. 

    This was from the technical interview (3rd) Questions asked, Only wanted the answer from the regs.  Had me brief an approach plate Asked what I would do if I saw a coworker not using checklists. He showed me a hold on a low enroute chart and asked me what hold entry I would do, I didn't notice the turns were left-hand turns with an outbound course. This was the only thing I didn't answer right at first. Just look carefully. He asked me what a note on an approach plate meant. It said...

  8. 8. 

    Initially received phone call with a few brief questions with HR to confirm my qualifications. Followed by video call interview with head of HR and 121 Chief Pilot. Interview had the typical HR questions, (view the study guide of this website).  Chief pilot asked aviation specific questions.  Then had me brief a government approach plate they provided. Not Jepps. After that we chatted about my aviation experience. I was given an opportunity to ask questions and interview was...

  9. 9. 

    The recruiting, interviewing, onboarding, and training process at Empire Airlines has been very smooth. Very few surprises along the way. Everything has been very much "as advertised." I just started flying the line, and I'm very pleased with the company. HR called me the same day I applied. Expect: (1) 30-min informal HR phone screening; (2) Semi-formal HR phone interview (45-min); and (3) Final TEAMS/ZOOM interview with HR and Chief Pilot (1-hour). First 2 interviews come with...

  10. 10. 

    Three stage interview process, all of which was very relaxed and easy-going. The first phase was a basic phone screen, followed by a formal HR interview and then a Chief Pilot interview. All three had some "TMAAT" questions, with the HR interview most heavily focused on this area. Chief Pilot interview included some regulations, IFR and procedure topics but no systems or aircraft-specific questions. If you're IFR current/proficient and know your regs you'll be totally fine....

  11. Direct communication with people who interviewed.

    Justin R

    Hired at Empire Airlines
    It was extremely helpful to not only get a very accurate list of the type of questions being asked in the interviews, but also to gauge how each applicant's experience went. It helps to know what to expect before walking into the interview. And it sure is important to pay it forward and share one's experience.

    Souhaiel H

    Hired at Empire Airlines