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FREE Pilot interview information and gouge

We've Aviation Professionals Prepare for their Interviews!
  • Read Page 1 ... asking me questions. I received invite for in person interview a fews days later through email. The final stage of interviewing was just as described previously. I flew up to CMH the day prior to interview, stayed at Hilton Garden Inn, shuttle service available for all your transportation needs airport and headquarters. I was looking for email that night with simulator profiles I needed to learn for next day but they never came. In the morning I met the other pilots interviewing and we all brought up how we didn't get emails. As soon as we arrived to HQ we were greeted by HR and Pilots. We broke into two groups then assigned sim partners. (view...

Pilot interviewing trend at NetJets

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  1. 1. 

    Jul 23, 2024
    The simulator study gouge was spot on. I was assigned the CRJ sim. My sim partner and I linked up the night before to go over the profiles, call outs and action items we were provided about 5 days before the interview. Both of us came from turboprops so we were careful to look out for each other (speed, altitude, etc) during the sim. The sim session is fairly relaxed and straight forward. Just read every line of the sim packet so you’ll know what to expect. While the simulator gouge...

  2. 2. 

    Jul 23, 2024
    Other gouges here are spot on so I won't restate them. I think it's a 50/50 chance I get the call and that is all because of the Sim eval. If you do not have jet experience like me, I would highly recommend you get some time in a jet sim somehow or some way. Find the closest one near you and book out as many lessons as you need to be 100% solid. I did 2hrs in a 737 (non-motion) sim and it really helped, but idk if it is going to be good enough. There was a lot of weak areas in my hand...

  3. 3. 

    Jul 18, 2024
    From the HR interview to the in person one, everyone was very welcoming and nice. The HR interview was 30 minutes and I was asked some TMAAT questions. If you look at the questions people submitted on here you will feel very prepared. I was invited to go to Columbus at the end of the HR interview, and in Columbus there were about 12-14 of us there interviewing in different groups. Get with your sim partner that afternoon/evening, print out the packets they send you. The next day we started...

  4. 4. 

    Jul 18, 2024
    No big differences from what others have posted. I was called within a few days of submitting my application online. Phone screen was straightforward - tell me about yourself, what does safety mean to me, why NetJets, what do I think great customer service looks like, when have I given great customer service, give me a quick rundown on your aircraft incident in the military, and the normal slew of HR yes/no questions. Two weeks later I got the invite for in-person interview. I was given...

  5. 5. 

    Jul 18, 2024
    Overall the interview experience was straightforward and conducted over Teams. It was between myself and one interviewer who asked many "give me a time when" questions and spent twenty minutes getting to know me and why I would choose NetJets. They specifically like to ask about customer service to dictate whether you will be a good fit. They stress on safety and customer service. The interviewer did ask if I had any conflicts with attending an in-person interview next month, but...

  6. 6. 

    Jul 16, 2024
    Everything on this website is very accurate. Initial phone screen is straight forward with questions about current role, previous flying jobs, and why NetJets. Be prepared to answer what safety means to you and TMAT that you went above and beyond for a customer (big focus on customer experience). Wear a suit for the initial call. I was invited for an onsite interview at the end of call. Leading up to the onsite, communication is great setting up travel plans and information for the...

  7. 7. 

    Jul 12, 2024
    Not much to add. Others are spot on. The virtual interview was very relaxed. I wore a suit and tie and was complimented on my appearance. We started by introducing myself, my story of how I began aviation and the steps I’ve taken to get where I am today. After swapping stories, I was asked “why NetJets?” I gave my professional insight on the company and why it stood out from the rest. I was then asked “what safety meant to me?” For this I reviewed the...

  8. 8. 

    Jul 11, 2024
    The NetJets interview process is very pleasant. There is zero intimidation from anyone at the company. They treated me with such kindness and respect. I was amazed how they approach this, making me feel wanted and appreciative of my interest in them. The video interview was a quick 30 min conversation. She asked me questions about my resume, view on safety, a difficult time in the cockpit with another pilot, and why I want to work for NetJets. Then a list of yes/no questions. 7 days later I...

  9. 9. 

    Jul 11, 2024
    NetJets is certainly a class act. There are no surprises and extremely professional. Simulator was in the Latitude, I had never flown a jet before however, listening to other pilots about power management with a 200 kits restriction helped, I hit my altitudes and airspeeds. Interview was about my prior professional experience (not flying) and about me, logbook reviewed was straight forward if you show up prepared. They hand you a document with what they want to see in your logbook, just have...

  10. 10. 

    Jul 09, 2024
    Everything on this site is very very accurate. No surprises. The phone interview was very standard HR questions, the interviewer made it very relaxing. The interview in person was very straight forward, have all of your log books totaled and possibly a 8710 handy if able. It will make it very easy when asked specific times. The sim was straight forward, study with your sim partner, brief everything, talk out loud through the flight! Good luck...

  11. This website helped to review the specifics for each company’s interviews. Before this website, I was so overwhelmed with what to study and was spending too much time on the wrong areas. I’m super impressed with with this website and thankful to everyone who has contributed. I now have several CJO’s from each interview I passed with flying colors because of this website!

    Olivia F Jul 11, 2024

    Hired at NetJets
    This service fully prepared me for my interview with netjets which resulted in a job offer.

    Brandon A Jul 03, 2024

    Hired at NetJets