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We've Aviation Professionals Prepare for their Interviews!
  • Applied end of last year after reaching my hours and heard from a recruiter approximately 2 weeks ago to schedule a phone call. Phone call about 3 days later to answer some brief qualifying questions and schedule an interview for this week. They flew me in the day before and put me up in a hotel near the airport and the interview was the next morning at a conference room at the hotel, so super low stress logistically. There were three of us interviewing and the interview was hosted by two HR/recruiting team members that were very friendly and awesome at their jobs. Started with an overview PPT...

Pilot interviewing trend at Piedmont Airlines

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  1. 1. 

    Jan 15, 2025
    American Airlines cadet, met recruiters at conference in August. Submitted my application and got a call in December after I got my ATP written done to expect an interview soon. Interview was in person, flew out the night before. 8 people were being interviewed, did a presentation about the company, what to expect in training and bases and afterwards, 2 of us were brought in to start and interviewed separately by 2 recruiters. HR questions include to tell us about yourself, why piedmont,...

  2. 2. 

    Jan 15, 2025
    As far as the interview goes all the recruiters are incredibly friendly and happy to have you there! The interview starts out with a brief presentation about the company’s history followed by compensation and benefits. By the time this is over you’re going to have to come up with some more questions for “Do you have any questions for us?” As for the interview, here is what I was asked: -Procedure turn entry -Hold entry -Holding speeds -# of seats in ERJ145 -ILS 16...

  3. 3. 

    Jan 14, 2025
    Met a recruiter in the beginninf of fall before I had 1500, met another at the end of fall, after 1500 and ATP written complete, email came requesting I email back a list of times and dates for a phone call. There was no confirmation so it’s lucky I answered! Was about a 20 min conversation, tell me about yourself, confirm my flight times, why I’m interested in Piedmont, etc. Then I was invited to interview in Charlotte. A couple days later I received flight details from my...

  4. 4. 

    Jan 08, 2025
    The interview process was very smooth and straight forward. They will fly you out to Charolette, NC. They start off with a presentation about the company and what to expect. After that they’ll start calling you in for interviews. If you study the questions here you will do just fine. Know how to decode Metars and what all the remarks mean especially when it comes to thunderstorms. Study Jeep charts I was asked to brief the ILS 27L into Philly. Look over Jeppesen airport charts. Besides...

  5. 5. 

    Jan 08, 2025
    METARs, Jepp plates, weather theory, and a little bit of HR questions. TMAAT, and why Piedmont. IFR rules included hold entry and picking out what all the different pieces on the approach plate were. No odd questions, as long as you're familiar with the plate then you should be okay. Heard back the next morning that I got the job and figured out two days later what my class date was. Interview was about 45 minutes long. Very pleasant experience with the interviewers and I can't wait to get...

  6. 6. 

    Jan 08, 2025
    I was emailed shortly after applying to conduct an initial phone screening. This was to verify your application information, and schedule the in-person interview in Charlotte. You will receive travel in formation within a few days. You are flown out to Charlotte and put up in a hotel where you will conduct the interview the next morning. You can have the hotel hold your bags, or store them in the interview room. The interview team will take your log books for review prior to the start...

  7. 7. 

    Jan 08, 2025
    Arrived at the hotel and was greeted warmly. The recruiter went over some general items and history of Piedmont. We left the room and was called in one at a time. Questions were "Tell me about yourself" as well as "Tell me about a time". Low pressure! They asked about conflict in the cockpit, favorite thing about being a CFI and least favorite thing. As for the aviation items, they ask you to read a complex METAR (lightning, and hail). You will also be asked to...

  8. 8. 

    Jan 07, 2025
    They fly you to CLT the night before and put you up in a hotel. Morning of, the hotel keeps your bags while you go to the interview. First is a PowerPoint about Piedmont with all the applicants, then everyone waits in the lobby as they call each person for the interview. Know Jepp approach plates and airport diagrams. Ho to read a metar including storm movements (MOV SE) when thunderstorms and Hail began and ended, windshift, lightening cloud to cloud, cloud to ground, etc. I knew every...

  9. 9. 

    Jan 07, 2025
    Flew down to CLT the day before, put me up in a hotel right next to the airport with shuttle service. Interviews began the next day at 9am. They gave a 30-45 min and went over benefits, pay, etc. and took questions about HR stuff then. They took back 2 people at a time for interviews and it was very straightforward. I went last. HR questions are what’s on the study guide and same with the technical. The tech was very matter of fact. Read a METAR, brief an approach, read a taxi diagram...

  10. 10. 

    Jan 07, 2025
    Overall great this was a great experience! I met a Piedmont recruiter at RTAG last Fall and submitted my application, which led to a phone screen 2 months later and a month after that interview invite. Everyone from the phone screener, travel coordinator, and on-site operations recruiters in Charlotte were super happy to help and answer questions. They flew us out the evening prior and put us up in the airport hotel where the interview was conducted the following morning. The company...

  11. Aviation Interviews is the Golden Ticket! I studied the material and did really well in the interview. I received a job offer the next day!

    Amy F Nov 21, 2024

    Hired at Piedmont Airlines
    Excellent prep.

    William P Aug 15, 2024

    Hired at Piedmont Airlines