PSA Airlines

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  • Flew in the night before. Got to the hotel, which provides a Shuttle to the training center which was easy. Lots of other pilots interviewing for Piedmont. There was only about 9 of us for PSA. Arrived at training center at 9 and checked in. Typical with the other gouges they had us wait in the cafeteria. Pilot came and got us at 10am. Went to a class room where there were assigned seats by last name. After brief introductions the pilots took the log books and documents. While they were reviewing them we sat though essentially a “why PSA is the best regional”...

Pilot interviewing trend at PSA Airlines

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  1. 1. 

    Jul 16, 2024
    Applied online, no resume, or letter of rec. After applying on Saturday I got a phone call that Monday for an impromtu phone screening, discussed why PSA, domiciles, medical, written tests complete, etc. Scheduled the interview for this month due to military separation date 6 months out. Interviewed online, very low threat and done by a 3 year FO with another PSA employee observing (muted mic). Basic introduction from the interviewer, talked about my hours and a very brief logbook review....

  2. 2. 

    Jul 09, 2024
    Phone Screen We had a good conversation. Most questions were legal and eligibility, then one TMAAT when you had a conflict with a Captain. Virtual Interview The FO who was conducting the virtual interview hopped straight into the technical portion. I translated a METAR for Ashville airport. (view the study guide of this website).  He then showed me a TAF and gave me an arrival time. The question was, the dispatcher did not provide an alternate, based on your arrival time, were they...

  3. 3. 

    Jul 03, 2024
    Interview was very quick. Asked "why PSA". Was never really asked to introduce myself or my background. Then straight to technical. Shown a TAF. Asked about alternate. Shown taxi diagram and asked questions. Shown a departure and asked a few questions. Asked a few questions on an approach plate. "If lighting is out can what is our new mins?" (read the notes at bottom of the plate). General tech questions after that such as types of icing and holding speeds. Then,...

  4. 4. 

    Jun 26, 2024
    Very straight forward interview. Started with a METAR/TAF and decided if we needed a TO alternate and a destination alternate. I had freezing snow and we talked about what to expect with this METAR. Walked through Jepp taxiway diagram (know beacon, ARP, reference point, etc.), Jepp arival and departure, then the ILS 36C into Charlotte. I do not remember the exact departure and arrival, but there were no gotcha questions. Review different clearances "Descend and Maintain ____" on an...

  5. 5. 

    Jun 26, 2024
    Why PSA, read and use METAR/TAF in depth including remarks. Determine if we can take off looking at takeoff minimums with full lighting, and if we need alternate at destination using TAF. Asked questions about airport diagram, taxi route (hotspots), SID, STAR, and approach. DCA-CLT. Never had to brief anything. Interview lasted 30...

  6. 6. 

    Jun 25, 2024
    Whole interview took 35 minutes. Start off by review a couple flight times and confirming medical, DL, passport, etc. Tell him about myself and why PSA. Then Scenario, (view the study guide of this website).  For the technical we did a flight from DCA to CLT, basically walking through the flight Jepp document by document. SID, STAR, ILS/LOC. Basic IFR knowledge and symbols. Told me to pick a plane that I fly now and went over basic info on the engine and fuel system. Oxygen...

  7. 7. 

    Jun 25, 2024
    Interview went pretty much as the rest of these reviews. Started with him asking me about all my Flight time and then tell me about yourself and why PSA. Then we went into the flight scenario from DCA – CLT. Didn’t have me brief the SID but asked me questions about it. Then we moved onto a STAR into CLT and the ILS approach for 36L. Didn’t brief anything, but was asked a lot about symbology, takeoff alternates, and different kinds of minimums with different approach,...

  8. 8. 

    Jun 25, 2024
    My interview started early in the morning online, we started off with basic logbook information and total time. After that, he asked me why PSA, and some of my background experience as a pilot. Then we went into a flight from DCA to CLT A METAR/TAF, then went over the taxi diagram, the sid and Star. Next was the ILS 36R. After it was hypoxia, Icing, and high altitude. Following it was questions. Just follow the study...

  9. 9. 

    Jun 25, 2024
    It started with the logbook screening.  He didn’t ask HR questions anymore. The technical side was pretty much the same as the previous ones. He gave me a METAR. He asked me if we can legally depart. I said yes. Showed me a TAF, asked me if I need a Destination alternate. I said yes. He asked me how will I fly the SID of a particular departure chart. I just read it to him. He asked me about the Arrival chart. If I was given a direct to a waypoint, what should I expect, I said an...

  10. 10. 

    Jun 25, 2024
    Very similar to other reviews here. Why PSA, review for qualifications/hours, then straight into technical for about 30 mins. TAF, need alternate?, Jepp arrival and approach chart, takeoff mins, 10-9, oxygen requirements, hypoxia, standard holds. Straight forward, friendly and relaxed environment. Received call next...

  11. Very helpful interview prep!

    Andrew M Jul 23, 2024

    Hired at PSA Airlines
    Very up to date and it prepared me well!

    Tim M Jul 05, 2024

    Hired at PSA Airlines