Republic Airways RJet Cadet

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  • The RJet Cadet interview was professional though relaxed. An HR representative and First Officer conducted the interview, each taking about half of the allotted time. The interview was conducted via video chat with each interviewer appearing on video during their portion of the event. The HR portion occurs first and was less awkward than expected. A friend/coworker of mine interviewed in the slot before me, so we broke the ice and joked about him for a bit. The questions throughout the HR interview were quite standard. If...

Pilot interviewing trend at Republic Airways RJet Cadet

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  1. 1. 

    Jul 08, 2024
    The interview was pretty straight forward and welcoming. The HR team began by asking questions about myself and about my career as a CFii. Questions like tough experiences with students and any scary situations ive had in the aircraft. Lastly a Republic pilot quizzed me on Metars and TAF's as well as briefing an approach. Like mentioned before the interview process was very laid back and...

  2. 2. 

    Jul 03, 2024
    The Rjet Cadet Interview was held over Microsoft Teams and lasted approximately 35 minutes total. You will be interviewed by an HR representative as well as a current Republic Airways pilot. Both the Captain and the HR representative seemed happy to be there and made the whole experience relaxed but still professional. We started with some basic questions, (view the study guide of this website).  Make sure you do some preparation on this part as quick and confident answers will set a...

  3. 3. 

    Jun 17, 2024
    I interviewed with one HR and one Pilot(Captain) HR. I was asked HR type questions, then technical questions. Checkride failure history. Approach briefing (KBOS) ILS Decoding TAF,  (view the study guide of this website).  That's all I remember when I interview with them. I answered every questions but I don't know why they not choosing...

  4. 4. 

    Jun 03, 2024
    The interview was performed by one HR representative and two current Republic FOs (based on other write-ups, this didn't seem normal, perhaps one was in training). All 3 of the interviewers remained on the call the entire time, so they heard everything that was being said. The first 15ish minutes started with questions from the HR representative who was extremely pleasant and genuinely seemed interested in being there. Starting off with administrative questions like my hours, when do I...

  5. 5. 

    Jun 03, 2024
    The interview was brief and pleasant, via Zoom. We discussed standard HR questions "tell me about a time.." etc. Then we did a rapid fire technical question round: read this METAR, do you need an alternate from the TAF, brief this approach plate, and basic weather questions. Received an offer a few days...

  6. 6. 

    May 29, 2024
    The interview started off with HR questions related to your background experience. Typical “tell me about a time” questions. If you don’t have any experience related to the question asked, then they’ll let you ask for another question. The technical portion started off with reading a METAR & TAF, and the pilot gave real world scenarios where the METAR and TAF would apply. For example, he would ask whether an alternate would be needed based on the ceilings and...

  7. 7. 

    May 21, 2024
    It was a great laid back experience which took about 30 minutes. Just like every other write-up says, I received a METAR, TAF and approach plate about 10 minutes before the interview. The two individuals conducting the interview were on time to the Teams call which didn't happen with anyone so don't always expect them to be running behind like other people have said. We jumped right into it where both of them introduced themselves, and we talked about flight time, where I went to school and...

  8. 8. 

    May 06, 2024
    Interview was overall fairly quick. Everyone was really friendly, and made it easy to relax a little. HR portion was straight forward, asked the expected questions about your flight time and expected start date at Republic. Technical portion was rapid fire questions, but all from the study guide. Overall interviewers were really easy going and if you study the questions in the study guide you’ll do...

  9. 9. 

    Apr 30, 2024
    The Interview was very short. We started right at the scheduled time. We began by introducing ourselves, followed by the HR portion. Then HR type questions, (view the study guide of this website).  When is the expected date of getting R-ATP Min? The technical portion was almost the same as the study guide on this website—a short but nice experience. I was told I would hear back the next day of the interview, but I heard back a week later. This CJO requires no commitment until the...

  10. 10. 

    Apr 15, 2024
    The interview was pretty straightforward. The HR questions are pretty much the same as the guide.  For the technical, it was pretty much like the study guide. They then send you a metar and taf and ask you to decode the metar. For the taf they ask you to find out if you need an alternate. at least for my Taf It was painfully obvious that an alternate was needed. They then asked about fuel requirements for alternates and then they asked about fuel requirements if you have multiple...

  11. Useful

    Austen C Mar 09, 2024

    Hired at Republic Airways RJet Cadet
    Very helpful. Covered all the questions that were asked in the interview.

    Sebastian H Jan 19, 2024

    Hired at Republic Airways RJet Cadet