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Read Page 1 ... called for flaps up, then I pulled power back about halfway to manage my climb rate, pitching down to 10 deg. I was able to easily manage level off at 2000 ft at 10 deg pitch, and they give me a turn to downwind during level off. On downwind, I gave the aircraft to the right seat and did an approach brief (They gave me an iPad with ILS 22 JFK Jepp Approach Chart) and I briefed the approach using the Jepp chart briefing strip. After briefing, I took control of the aircraft and followed vectors to intercept the LOC – right seat took care of configuring and FD modes. Raw data glide slope displayed on the right of the ADI and LOC raw data displayed on bottom – which I found more useful than the FD. Power control wasn’t too hard (no reference FF or N1/2), but just made it work. I went back to basics and just... Continue Reading this Scenario